Well, I've been working my way through the Insanity workout with Chris since mid December. I have gone 5 weeks and two days now without missing a single workout. For any reason. I'm guessing that the getting up at 5:30 a.m. has a lot to do with that. It's not fun and I am NOT really an early, early morning person. However....life just does not seem to get in your way so much at that hour. Less excuses to not work out and all. The phone does not ring, the kids are sleeping, nothing is open, no errands can be run at that hour. And so...I have faithfully rolled out of bed in my sleepy fog each morning and taken on some fairly insane workouts. Or at least...I thought I had. I've been patting myself on the back because I finished the whole first half of the program. And the "recovery" week. I was all confident in myself and singing the "bring it" tune. I was fired up and ready.
Then came week 6. I have finished day one and day two of the six day workout. Yesterday was insanely hard because it was time to retake the Fit Test to see my progress. It's a 30 minute, crazy intense thing...8 exercises long where you are pushing and pushing for speed and repetition. I want to throw up and cry every time I do it. Yesterday it was time to do the third one. I finished that and then had to move on to the first workout of the new week. The first half of the program had all of the workouts right at 40 minutes or so...some a little less...some a minute or two more. Nothing over 45 minutes. It was tough...but short! This week has all the workouts right at an hour. OUCH! And it definitely takes it up a notch. Apparently the second half of this is where the body sculpting comes in. My butt is so sore from yesterday's workout. I was hurting by last night and went to bed with ibuprofen. I was still sore this morning. So imagine my dismay when Shaun T launched into squat after squat after squat. And jump after jump, followed by more squats. The only thing that seemed to break it up any at all were the push ups. Excellent. Pushups. Crazy pushups. Pushups like I have never done before. Pushups standing practically on my head. Pushups with one foot, then the other. LONG sets of push ups. Push ups with jumps back onto my feet, only to get down on the floor and do it again. I wasn't sure what was worse by the end...the squats or the pushups. Either way, there wasn't a muscle in my body that wasn't shaking violently by the time it was done. Today was brutal. I HATE Max Plyo. I never want to do it again. Hopefully I will change my mind before I HAVE to do it again next week. Mercy!!! The things I am willing to put myself through for an ugly gray t-shirt!!! But seriously...I WANT that t-shirt. Thus...I shall perservere!
In other news...Chris is across the country currently. He left Friday to drive to California to pick up our RV which we had to leave out there last summer due to some wheel damage. It's all fixed now...and we've traded it in on a new RV...and so we had to get it back to Texas. He drove out, picked it up and is working his way back East. He'll be spending the week working in Phoenix this week...so he gets a nice break from driving, then will tackle the last bit of the drive back home next weekend. I cannot WAIT to get the new RV!!! So excited! It's awesome in every way!!! Going to be SOOO great this summer!
I've had tons of work this past week. Two more budoir sessions. Can't get over how popular that is here in Dallas. I have to admit that it has been a lot of fun. Totally different than anything I have ever done. The ladies have been so great! I've had huge semi automatic weapons in my living room, and even a huge motorcycle! THAT was a blast! I also did some shopping and picked up a couple of AMAZING props for my littler ones and babies! Found the best antique place EVER and am SO excited about my new treasures! I have lots of babies due in the spring too, so I can't wait to play with them!
What else? I'm working hard at my eating. Trying to eat every 2 1/2 hours or so and keeping my protein levels high and carb levels lower. I started a new blog....
www.eatingtheedges.blogspot.com to chronicle the adventure. I'm spending a LOT of time in the kitchen...which I am not fond of, but am hoping that it will grow on me. This healthy lifestyle is a lot of work! The Insanity program is my greatest inspiration right now. No way I am going to do THOSE crazy hard workouts and not get the results because of what I put in my mouth. No ma'am! So it's go time with the tweaking of the food intake. On the bright side, I've found a couple of recipes that I LOVE. I'll be sharing those treasures over there at Life On the Edge!
That's about all that's up around here. I'll have some pics of Clara in another post for ya! I'm off for now! Thanks for stopping in!