My name is Tonya Roberts, and I am shamelessly addicted to Farmville on Facebook. I's bad. I find myself calculating and scheduling where I might be when my crops come due and am careful not to plant things that I'm not positive that I will be home to harvest. Because I can't bear the thought of something wilting in my fields. I find myself giddy when I get new animals. I got my first goat today and I hardly knew what to do with myself I was so overjoyed. Oh...and I also got my first little piggy! I just LOVE that game. I would truly be embarrassed to tell you just how many times a day I actually check in on my farm.
In OTHER news...I am thrilled that it's coming up on Friday. I love the nothingness of our weekends....and the kids do too. This week has gone really, really FAST! It's been a bit of a tough week. So thank goodness it's flown by! My hip has been bothering me since this summer at the beach. And when we got back to Tucson, I did see the chiropractor and he DID fix it....twice. But then we moved and it was hurting...but then got better...then hurt...then got better...then hurt and hurt and hurt. Finally, on Monday I had had enough and made an appointment. I ADORED the new chiropractor the second that I met her. VERY very nice...but then...aren't most people here in Texas just so crazy nice?! She was SO thorough and it was just a great visit. HOWEVER...on Tuesday, my muscles spasmed in response to the adjustment and I was in quite a state. My fingers were tingling and threatening to go numb. And so after a quick call and check in with the doc, I was right back in her office first thing Wednesday morning. I was a mess! Lots of spasm and swelling and pain. I spent quite a long time in her office, then had to go back in again at 5 for one last check before the end of the day. I was doing a lot better by then and got to take Thursday off. I do have to be back in there at 8:30 tomorrow morning...but I'm feeling some better. Not cured. But definitely better than on Wednesday!
Max continues to struggle in his classes. Not because the work is hard, but because he's just not real motivated. I have decided that, as I watch him, I am the ONLY one stressing over his grades and that Max is not really doing his part. I decided that from here on out I will give him the same amount of guidance and reminders that I give the others. But beyond that....he will be on his own. I am releasing him into his own responsibility and if he fails....well...then he fails. And HOPEFULLY, if and when he fails, he will find the proper motivation to do what needs to be done. I think it would be different if I wondered if he maybe had a learning disability or any processing problems....but I know he doesn't. That kid is crazy crazy smart. He's simply unmotivated and I cannot seem to motivate him...either through punishment OR reward. And so it will HAVE to come from within Max himself. If that means he flunks...then he flunks...and if he flunks enough....then he will be repeating the 8th grade. Or doing summer school. Which would really be a bummer. Especially since.....
We made our reservations for a month in San Diego next summer. It's going to be a heck of a drive to get there, but SOOOOo worth it in the end! I can't wait! We had SUCH a good time there last summer. I am really REALLY glad we are doing it all over again. The kids really love it. It's so hot here in the summer...much like Arizona. So it will be a great escape from the heat for our kids. It would be sad for Max to have to stay behind and do summer school because he couldn't pull his act together. But I guess that will be up to him. I told him three times to go do his homework this afternoon. Once he disappeared into the bathroom, the next time he headed off in the general direction of homework, but then got distracted before he got there. And the last time I told him, I found him about 10 minutes later just laying in the floor...doing nothing. I refuse to sit on the child and force him to do it. At 13, he's too old for that he KNOWS what he needs to be doing. If he refuses to take be it. That will be his choice and he will have to take those consequences. I am at peace with this plan of action. I feel like it's just going to have to be this way. I have fought against it for over a year now...but have come to realize that it just may take exactly this to reach Maxwell. Wish us luck!
What else? Clara's foot is all better this week. Both Chris and I have had our flu shots. Work is good. Life is good. Oh...and we are having our pictures made this weekend! Woo hoo! THAT should be fun! I have everyone's outfits all ready for action. Oh...and we will visit First Euless for the third time. We had yet another visit from them last night. The first time they came, they brought a nice little welcome and a gift bag with a cool coffee cup. Then last night they came with another welcome, an invite to a different Sunday school class, and salsa for us. They are some of the nicest people I have ever ever! We really enjoyed the Sunday school class we visited last week and are looking forward to visiting a new one this week. I really, really like this church a lot. And that's such a great feeling!
Looking forward to this weekend! And the cool weather that has been promised for it! Stay tuned!