Operation Appreciation is in FULL SWING here in Paradise! How's it going? Well...enjoy this little collection of photos and videos and see for yourself!
There's been dish washing... |
And clothes washing. |
Sweeping... |
sweeping... |
and ummm....sweeping. |
There's been laundry to fold and put away... |
And meals to cook! |
Oh, and groceries to shop for as well.
It's been a challenging couple of days, a frustrating couple of days and a couple of days where I was definitely ready to run away. However, I'm happy to say that not ALL of the frustration has been MINE! Clara was quite tired of the treatment I get all too often...see for yourself!
She was NOT happy with her brother AT ALL. Max has stepped up to the plate to do some cooking as well. I guess they have all decided that you can't live on peanut butter and jelly and cheerios alone! Here is a little capture of Max's cooking efforts...
And then the saga continues...
All in all, I would have to say Operation Appreciation is proving to be a success. The kids ARE learning that many hands make light work. And NO hands make for a cranky mommy! They seem to realize that they need to pitch in more and complain less. Or maybe, that's just my mommy fantasy?! Who can say? All I know is that we are in this thing for a few days more yet! I think a little laundry is good for the soul. And learning to cook is a life skill. AND I'm half crazy after being here in 30 feet of space with three messy, self centered, unhelpful children. That might have a teeny bit to do with it! Or a LOT!
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