Unfortunately, that is not the current weight loss for this week, but rather, actually IS the temperature here in the great state of Texas. At least with the wind chill anyway. The actual temperature is sitting somewhere right around 13 degrees. Streets, sidewalks and driveways are a solid sheet of ice. It's brutally cold out there and we are not expected to get above the freezing mark until Friday. And then, we will hit it just barely. The kids are home today with snow day #2. We knew before bed last night that they would be home today and we tucked in last night anticipating a nice warm, snuggly, alarm free, sleep in kind of morning. And it was. Until the power outage. Which came before the sun came up. At which point, the house went crazy silent. The pool pump (which has been running in constant freeze protection mode for days now) was suddenly still. The hum of the house...quiet as it was...gone. And the silence was deafening. And then....the alarm started beeping. Only, I didn't know it was the alarm. I thought it must be one of the carbon monoxide detectors we have plugged in all around the house. One long beep. Then quiet for a minute or so. One long beep. Then quiet. And it went on, and on, and on. Until finally, I had to get my shivering self out of bed and go hunting for the source of all that racket, in the pitch dark. Luckily, Ben came downstairs right about then with his little hand held crank flashlight. And I do mean LITTLE. And the two of us went off searching together in the dark. We'd hear the beep, head in that direction. Have to stop and crank us some light to see our path. Then wait to hear the next beep to guide us. After many beeps and cranks we arrived in front of the alarm keypad. And after carefully studying it for a bit, found the big CANCEL button and brought the beeping to an end. Of course, by then, the beeping had awakened everyone and they all had to come tell me the power was out. And it obviously wasn't coming right back on at that point. So I dispatched every one back to bed, to hunker down under their covers and pray that heat would be restored sooner, than later. Exactly 45 minutes later, my pool pump sprang to life and the hum of the house was back in full swing. A little research on good old Facebook revealed that the power outage was intentional. Apparently, it's so darned cold here in Texas, that in order to avoid a statewide black out, they are shutting down each cities' power for 45 minutes at a time, one city at a time. That's a new one for me. Glad I could help though. Even unwillinging as it was! And now we are set to enjoy, yet another day of being iced and frozen in. All together. So nice and cozy like. Kid bonding at it's finest. Lots and lots (and lots) of close up together time. Brothers and sisters...together. 24 hours a day. No outdoor relief. Just Me. And Them. Which at some point becomes Me AGAINST Them. My mother in law has always told me to just remember that I am bigger than they are. They are quickly closing the gap on that one and soon, that will no longer be true. But today...TODAY I actually AM still bigger. So I am still the boss. The chef. The activitiy coordinator. The referee. The prison guard. Depends on the hour I suppose. Anyway...that's the update on snow (ice) day #2.
As for my diet. Well. That's just a sad state of affairs right now. I had a virus that started on Friday night. A weird and strange one. Felt as if I had eaten knives for dinner. And by Friday night when I went to bed, I could hardly stand up straight. (Which, incidentally, made me really thankful it was bedtime so I didn't HAVE to stand up straight!) I went to bed...slept quite well, and woke up thinking I was cured. That is, until I stood up. And immediately realized that standing up straight was still a bit of a challenge. Which was hugely inconvenient because I was the mom on duty for selling Girl Scout cookies that morning at the diner stand. After a serious debate of whether or not I needed to head to the hospital (yes, it really WAS that bad), I opted for a handful of ibuprofen for breakfast and pretty much crawled into the car to do my girl scout duty. I did manage to get myself upright by the time I arrived at our destination and then just pretty much prayed that my drugs would not wear off before we were done. Which...brings be back to my dieting laments. In the course of all of this, where I was neither nauseas or worse....all I seemed to want was comfort food. And so....that's pretty much the course life took for a couple of days. Comfort food. And too much of it. And I have to tell ya...comfort food is NOT calorie friendly. Added to the virus thingy, we now have had two days iced in and THAT is making me want comfort food. And cookies. Oh, help me Rhonda I want the cookies. Open mouth, insert cookie...that has been the theme here and I tell ya, I need an intervention!!!! And so...I did not bother to get on the scale today because there is no good news there. NONE. I am trying to make good choices today. TRYING hard. I had some yogurt and some strawberries for breakfast. Then a banana for a snack because I was starving. I almost caved in at the banana point. I really REALLY wanted to eat the cookies. I'm like an addict needing her next hit. Honestly...I don't think that all the Weight Watchers ads have so much to do with those making New Year's Resolutions as much as giving people a way to deal with those darned Girl Scout cookies. Curse those cute little scouts and their high calorie, irresistible temptations!!!!! And I am CERTAINLY aware that I do not have to buy them. Except that I totally do, because I am the mother to one of those impossibly cute Girl Scouts. Grrr. I think Weight Watchers and Girls Scouts might just be in cahoots with one another. An elaborate ring that just feeds the vicious cycle. We NEED the cookies. Can't possibly say no to those cute little girlies. And we surely want to support our troops (ha ha, get it, troops?! Ummm....sorry. My brain gets weird when the temperatures hover below freezing for so long!). And then we NEEEEED Weight Watchers to help get those darned cookies off of our hips. No sooner do we make a little headway then we start to feel okay about just one little cookie. Never remembering that there is NO SUCH THING as just one little girl scout cookie. I think they are laced with amnesia invoking ingredients. And before we know it we've got thin mints and peanut butter patties tucked onto our hips and are beating down the door to Weight Watchers AGAIN begging for points to be assigned to our food! I tell ya....it's a conspiracy!
Just came through our second blackout of the morning. Apparently, this is going to be an all day affair. Though it is certainly not FAIR. Several friends here in the great state have not had their FIRST blackout turn today, let alone two. I've never lived anywhere where they intentionally shut off your power whole cities at a time. Can't say that I am a fan of it. I mean. I don't do well with the cold. Like...at all. I chill EASILY! Heck...I'm chilled and cold and wearing a coat and scarf all day long every day, in the house, even when it's WAY warmer than this. And so...I am functioning in crisis mode today (mercy!). And I need to be comforted. And the cookies are calling me. Again. Hoping I can find the strength to resist. HOPING!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's that Thin Mints? Oh...COMING! Be right there! Well, gotta go!
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