Thursday, April 8, 2010

Update From the Rainforest...I mean... Wind Tunnel State

WOW!  Texas finally turned off the faucets and opened up the wind tunnels full speed ahead!  It's been hurricane force crazy windy here the past few days.  Sunny...and you KNOW I'm thrilled beyond words about that!  But windy, just the same.  Despite the wind, today was just lovely and I found myself drawn to the great outdoors.  It all started when I went out to check on our little garden.  It's not dead coming along quite nicely!  Our seeds have sprouted and there is evidence of life there in that little garden box!  Here's a peek!

The sunshine felt so beautiful and delicious and so I lingered over the garden for a few minutes.  I also wondered why in the world I had just spent an hour on the treadmill instead of walking OUTSIDE!!!!  And while I was lingering I decided that the back yard was definitely in need of a meeting with the lawn mower.  And so....I cranked her up and quickly set to the task of making those beautiful straight lines of
fresh cut lawn.  The smell of it all was so crisp and fresh and I just relished the springtime moment.  After I was done making the lawn all even and pretty again, I noticed that the nasty little tree above the swimming pool had dropped TONS of debris in the pool.  Some kind of fuzzy, pollenlike stuff that was EVERYWHERE.  I spent quite a large chunk of time with the net capturing it all and getting it out of our pool.  Fat lot of good THAT did since two hours later, thanks to the WIND, there was just as much as I had removed and even MORE!!!!  So of course...I did it AGAIN!!!  Once THAT was all done, I noticed the flower bed under the window was just a nightmare.  ALL of the flowerbeds here have been in sad, sad shape.  They have had little to no attention.  And this one was no exception.  It was just crying out for some major TLC and attention.  See...isn't this just so sad?  

After another good chunk of time crawling around on my knees on the concrete and yanking and pulling the weed flower bed looked SO much better.  Like this....

Of course....there are no flowers.  And I am not certain that there will be.  But never know!  I AM...just so you know...pretty good with rocks and have had pretty good success with them in the past. I haven't lost one yet!  Might be best to just proceed with the "rock" garden!  

And finally.....with the arrival of spring, we seem to be having some rather frequent visitors to our yard. the POOL area of our yard.  I call them Charlie and Lola.  They seem to think that our pool is a "community" pool.  Specifically for the DUCK community.  Meet Charlie and Lola...

They splash down in our pool at least a couple of times a day.  They are making Oscar crazy.  And I'm none too excited about the idea of them pooping and doing who knows what else in my pool.  I tried to nicely explain to them that there are two perfectly lovely ponds right down at the end of the street and that they are open to duck visitors.  Whereas OUR pool is a PRIVATE pool.  You know...kind of an "invitation only" kind of deal.  I don't really speak duck very well...however...something I said must have struck a chord with them because they took off in quite the huff after our little chat.  

And so....that's about all the news from the Wind Tunnel Lone Star State.  We are loving spring and all the fresh and green that seems to be escorting this delightful season in!  Loving the sunshine and cherishing the blue skies.  Everyone tells me that Spring here is very, very short and that I will be sorry once summer gets here.  Ha....we'll see about that.  Bring on the heat!  Life is good in the Lone Star State!

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